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Bill Gallagher, Ph.D.

Over 500,000 business and salespeople have invested in Bill "Guerrilla" Gallagher's Guerrilla Selling: (Unconventional Weapons & Tactics for Increasing Your Sales) because they are serious about doing a lot more business with less hassle and frustration.

Since 1983, Bill Gallagher, Ph.D., has been in demand as one of the nation's leading authorities on sales, marketing and management, conducting thousands of training seminars and workshops throughout North America and Abroad. His informative commentary has been featured in such prestigious publications as The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Money and Time magazines. In addition, Bill has appeared on a host of national radio and television shows, including Good Morning America, Today, CNN Headline News, and The CBS Evening News.

Bill's reputation for innovation and quality has earned him repeat engagements with over half the companies featured in the best seller In Search of Excellence. Some of his many satisfied clients include: American Express, Bank of America, Dean Witter Reynolds, Hewlett Packard, IBM, Levi-Strauss, Nortel, National Association of Realtors, Stanford University, and Tyson Foods, Inc. Co-author in the legendary Guerrilla Business series and lead author of Guerrilla Selling, Bill has also received honors for excellence in business training from the governments of Israel, Singapore, the Netherlands, and the U.S. Department of Commerce.

Who is Bill "Guerrilla" Gallagher? Quite possibly the most entertaining and knowledgeable authority on sales, marketing, and the mysteries of the human mind available today. His recommendations are new, fresh, and guaranteed to produce spectacular results for your business!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Say hello to happier customers


Friday, January 31, 1997

Say hello to happier customers
Sacramento Business Journal - by Bill Gallagher

We've been looking at a lot of miscellaneous no-cost and low-cost marketing tips. Here are some more. They deal with how you say hello and goodbye, in person and on the telephone.

When someone comes into your store or office, what do you or your staff say? Instead of "Can I help you?" try out something like, "Hi, have you ever been in our store or used our services before?" or "Good morning, are you a current client?"

No matter what they say, you respond with, "Great! Did you know that this week we have a special on ...?" Answer. "Would you like some information on that?"

On the telephone you might use, "Hello, this is Mary with Acme Construction, where you can always get what you really want." (This last phrase is Acme's slogan. It appears everywhere, on its stationery, on its invoices, everywhere.)

You continue, "Are you a current customer?" Following the answer, you say, "Great! Did you know that this month we have a special on ...? Answer. "Would you like some information on that?"

When you end the conversation, say something like: "I hope to see you soon." Avoid "Have a nice day." While it's a pleasant message, overuse has made it ring hollow to most of us.

Now there are many exceptions to these suggestions, I know, but I'm sure that you get my drift. The idea is to be helpful and, most importantly, original. With a new, fresh approach you'll be much more likely to be heard.

Overall, your firm's general phone demeanor is critical. No matter what words are used, if they sound like, "Wadda ya want?" you're in trouble. I ask clients to put a small mirror near the base of the phone so that they can see how they look. Add some red colored tape or lipstick to the mirror in the shape of a smile. This reminds them to smile while answering the phone. That smile can be heard.

Try smiling, turn to someone else or to the mirror and say something negative and nasty. It just doesn't work out, does it? Go ahead, try it.

How neat and tidy are you and your delivery people? For many firms, the delivery person is the primary contact person with customers. His or her appearance is often overlooked, but critical. Most of us think that if you're that way with your truck, car, briefcase or dress, you're likely to be that way with us.

Bill Gallagher is head of Guerrilla Sales & Marketing in Diamond Springs and co-author of "Guerrilla Selling." For more information on the topics and ideas in this column, call (800) 800-8086 or send e-mail to