Gallagher Video Brochure

Bill Gallagher, Ph.D.

Over 500,000 business and salespeople have invested in Bill "Guerrilla" Gallagher's Guerrilla Selling: (Unconventional Weapons & Tactics for Increasing Your Sales) because they are serious about doing a lot more business with less hassle and frustration.

Since 1983, Bill Gallagher, Ph.D., has been in demand as one of the nation's leading authorities on sales, marketing and management, conducting thousands of training seminars and workshops throughout North America and Abroad. His informative commentary has been featured in such prestigious publications as The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Money and Time magazines. In addition, Bill has appeared on a host of national radio and television shows, including Good Morning America, Today, CNN Headline News, and The CBS Evening News.

Bill's reputation for innovation and quality has earned him repeat engagements with over half the companies featured in the best seller In Search of Excellence. Some of his many satisfied clients include: American Express, Bank of America, Dean Witter Reynolds, Hewlett Packard, IBM, Levi-Strauss, Nortel, National Association of Realtors, Stanford University, and Tyson Foods, Inc. Co-author in the legendary Guerrilla Business series and lead author of Guerrilla Selling, Bill has also received honors for excellence in business training from the governments of Israel, Singapore, the Netherlands, and the U.S. Department of Commerce.

Who is Bill "Guerrilla" Gallagher? Quite possibly the most entertaining and knowledgeable authority on sales, marketing, and the mysteries of the human mind available today. His recommendations are new, fresh, and guaranteed to produce spectacular results for your business!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Life Styles of the Rich and Famous?


Life Styles of the Rich and Famous?
by Bill Gallagher, Ph.D.

"Life Styles of the Rich and Famous," what a great title for a TV show. Want to be rich and famous or just one of these two? For a small investment, yes investment, you can soon be both rich and famous. How? Cable TV advertising. How much? Under $6000. per year. Wow!
I believe that television must have been invented by marketing people, if it wasn't it easily could have been. My reasoning is not based on science, it's based on television's marketing effectiveness. TV is, by far, the best and most effective media to get any marketing message to potential customers.

In marketing we know that no one ever made a conscious buying decision. All of our purchase decisions are made by sub-conscious buying motivates.

As it turns out, the human mind is like an onion. It has many layers. In order to get to the sub-conscious decision making areas we marketers must penetrate the sub-conscious.

The only way to do this is to:

1. Relax the potential customer.

2. Make our message interesting or intriguing.

3. Repeat the message over and over again so that it penetrates the relaxed sub-conscious mind. And,

4. Not turn the potential customer off with poor or distasteful images.

Properly planned, television advertising can do all of these. Inexpensively. Do you believe that I just said "inexpensively?" Well, I did. Let me tell you how. If you set out to advertise in the national market on major network TV, it'll cost you an arm and a leg plus your firstborn child. Remember the last Super Bowl half-time and those damn frogs croaking out the name of a popular beer ? $7.5 million. (And I said TV was inexpensive.) Hold on. What if I could put your TV spot next to the croaking frogs and the other super expensive TV ads and charge you a mere $500 per month? Starting to sound better, right? Right.

No kidding, in most markets, small business people can advertise daily on CNN, TNT, ESPN, etc. right along with the big guys for an annual budget of under $6000. Just in case you missed that, I'm talking about daily TV advertising for the entire year for less than $6000.

So, how do we pull of this marketing miracle? To find out you'll have to call me... just kidding. The answer is: local cable. Yes, your local cable provider can contract with you to produce and air your very own 30 second TV ad every day for the next year for less than $6000. (in most markets). This breaks out to about $1000 to produce the spot, making sure it's coordinated with the rest of your marketing. And, about $400 per month to be placed on random appearances throughout the day and night.

Soon, about a month or two, from the time you start, if you're in the ad, and you probably ought to be, you'll be a star in your community and your phone will be ringing off the hook! Hang in there. Don't stop. Ride it out for a minimum of 12 months, a full year. You will want to change your ad. You'll be sick of it. Your family will tell you to kill it or they'll kill you! Don't stop. Don't change it.

Wait, I hear Robin Leach calling.