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Bill Gallagher, Ph.D.

Over 500,000 business and salespeople have invested in Bill "Guerrilla" Gallagher's Guerrilla Selling: (Unconventional Weapons & Tactics for Increasing Your Sales) because they are serious about doing a lot more business with less hassle and frustration.

Since 1983, Bill Gallagher, Ph.D., has been in demand as one of the nation's leading authorities on sales, marketing and management, conducting thousands of training seminars and workshops throughout North America and Abroad. His informative commentary has been featured in such prestigious publications as The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Money and Time magazines. In addition, Bill has appeared on a host of national radio and television shows, including Good Morning America, Today, CNN Headline News, and The CBS Evening News.

Bill's reputation for innovation and quality has earned him repeat engagements with over half the companies featured in the best seller In Search of Excellence. Some of his many satisfied clients include: American Express, Bank of America, Dean Witter Reynolds, Hewlett Packard, IBM, Levi-Strauss, Nortel, National Association of Realtors, Stanford University, and Tyson Foods, Inc. Co-author in the legendary Guerrilla Business series and lead author of Guerrilla Selling, Bill has also received honors for excellence in business training from the governments of Israel, Singapore, the Netherlands, and the U.S. Department of Commerce.

Who is Bill "Guerrilla" Gallagher? Quite possibly the most entertaining and knowledgeable authority on sales, marketing, and the mysteries of the human mind available today. His recommendations are new, fresh, and guaranteed to produce spectacular results for your business!

Friday, April 25, 2008

People will pay a premium for speed and convenience


Friday, November 29, 1996

People will pay a premium for speed and convenience
Sacramento Business Journal - by Bill "Guerrilla" Gallagher, Ph.D.

Well, the fellow who said "time is money" is wrong! In the 21st century, time is a lot more important than money. Think of the premium we place on speed and convenience. For starters, think about something basic like, say, toilet paper. You and I can buy toilet paper at Big Bob's Club, the huge super discount outlet, for about 25 cents a roll when we buy a box of rolls. The exact same two-ply stuff costs $1.25 in a "convenience" store. And, we all willingly pay 400 percent more to not wait so long in line! Amazing.

The convenience "industry" has something to teach every other business in America -- in the world.

Who gets my business? The person who can deliver it in under an hour, that's who. I want it hot and I want it now.

Good name for your new fast-food joint, by the way: Hot '' Now. My all time favorite name for any business is "Jiffy Lube." Talk about cool. Not only do they tell you exactly what they do, they imply a benefit.

Can you say that about your business? Does your name suggest convenience? If not, consider adding a "speedy" adjective. Fast, quick, brisk, fleet, breakneck, accelerated, rapid, swift, chop-chop, wiki-wiki, expeditious, in-and-out, energetic, immediate, at once, instant, now, in a flash, faster than a speeding bullet ...

What part of your business can be made into a drive-through? Drive-through fast food and banking are nothing new, of course. Our town now has a drive-through shoe repair. His business has grown so fast that the other cobbler is, unfortunately, going out of business. What about a drive-through convenience store? Drive-through weddings? (Vegas has them!)

How can I serve you with my business while you're still in your car? Drive-through marketing consulting; what a concept! Drop on by and we'll show you how. Just honk once and we'll come a running.

If I can't give you car service, can I improve the parking and the flow in the parking lot? Yes. Should I have a clear map on all my marketing pieces? Yes. Should I tell about easily getting on and off the local freeway? Yes. Should I mention "lots of free parking?" Yes. Should I consider valet parking? Yes.

And while the customer's buying, maybe we should wash and vacuum the car. Think about it, seriously.

Are you a store on Main Street? At least in the summer you could have a few responsible teens (this is not an oxymoron) parking cars for your customers.

Many smaller businesses are up against the Wal (Mart) these days. The only reason people shop in these bigger stores is because it's more convenient to shop there. It's not the slightly cheaper prices, although that's what they'll tell you because they don't understand the value of convenience any more than the average American does. They just feel it.

These folks miss you, but you're just not as convenient!

Time to change this perception of you.

Bill Gallagher is head of Guerrilla Sales & Marketing in Diamond Springs and co-author of "Guerrilla Selling." For more information on the topics and ideas in this column, call (800) 800-8086 or send e-mail to If you have a marketing question, send it to The Business Journal, 1401 21st St., Sacramento 95814.